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Frequently Asked Questions


You've got questions and we've got answers. Below you'll find answers to our most asked questions

 01  Where do you get your course content?


Our CRPO Exam Prep Course content is pulled from CRPO, Compass and as of 2023 the CCPA. We don't feel using outside materials serves the class as it can create more confusion and questions. 




 02  Do you record your courses?


Absolutely we do and we make the videos available to you for 3 total exam sitting. As an example, if you take our course in Spring 2022 you will have access to all recordings and documents until the last exam date in Spring 2023.




 03  Why don't you use other materials?


As we mentioned to earlier, we don't feel it serves those taking our class. Here's our thought process. We've put extensive time into researching other psychotherapy exams and their materials. Compass is unique and no other exam has the same lay out. CRPO competencies can also be seen as unique unto itself as well. We will not take a chance with our peers future or exam by pulling questions or materials that do not align with our governing board or exam layout/process. 




 04  What is your pass rate? 


Shelley and I ask everyone to let us know how they did on the exam so we can only give numbers based on what is provided to us. With that being said, we have a very high pass rate of 99%. CRPO's exam pass rate holds steady at around 85%. When we receive feedback from those who have not passed most are very very aware of where they went wrong and often tell us "I went down the rabbit hole."




 05  What is your cancellation policy? 


Our cancellation and refund policy is as follows: 100% minus a $30 administration fee will be charged should you request a refund within 48 hours of payment being received. 50% of the course fee will be refunded to you within 15 calendar days of payment being received. Thereafter, no refunds will be provided. There are no refunds for courses that have already started.



 06  I don't have my "Q" yet, can I take your course? 


Absolutely, yes you can! We just ask that you do consider your colleagues and peers. We always fill all of our course seats. So if you're not writing for another sitting or two, we're happy to add you to our waitlist to gain priority access to our registration.



 07  Why don't you create your own scenario questions?


Because it's a bad idea. While we are 100% confident in our course, what we teach and how we teach. We feel creating our own scenario questions is unethical and does not align with the CRPO Competencies profile (3.6.b). We strongly urge you to ask questions to anyone that says they have "never before seen scenarios" or courses offering created scenarios. This is because no one but those that sit down to create and write the Compass Exam scenarios knows the "method behind the madness" or scoring process or lens though which their created. 




 08  How up-to-date is your course content?


We're always looking for new information and updates for our courses. From new material from CRPO and Compass to the new inclusion of the CCPA Standards. This is one of the ways Shelley and I stand out from the other courses out there. Because we teach our courses live, we're always connecting with, listening and seeking out to better what we bring to those in our course for reach sitting.



 09  Why are you now using the CCPA Practice Standards?


Our CRPO Exam Prep Course content is pulled from CRPO, Compass and as of 2023 the CCPA practice standards.. We're now including the CCPA document as the CRPO practices standards, to put it plainly, has some gaps that the CCPA fills. We're also aware that with PEI now having a regulatory body, CCTPEI, the same exam is used Canada wide.



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