CRPO Exam Tips
As of Spring 2023, we have helped over 1000 of your colleagues and peers with CRPO Exam Preparation. Below we've put together what we feel are the most common concerns and important things YOU need to know.
CRPO Exam Tip 1
Check in with yourself
We all know the CRPO Exam is competency based (you knew that right?), but how does that answer feel to you? Does it sit with you comfortably, or does it feel icky. When we are teaching our workshop, we always go back to the body. It never lies. Our brain can overthink and overanalyze to the extreme, especially with the CRPO Exam. So, stop for a moment, take a breath and check in with yourself, what's the gut instinct and intuition telling you.
If it feels icky, don't picky!
CRPO Exam Tip 2
Get the Help you need and deserve
When preparing to write the CRPO Exam, it's important to feel confident going into it. That means getting the help that you need and the help you deserve. All too often we hear and see people saying the exam is "easy peasy" or that you don't actually need help. This can be very shaming for those wanting or needing help. If you want help or clarity, seek it out. Don't worry about what others say. This is your experiencing and those that comment are lacking your experience.
So, give yourself a break and get the help so you are as prepared for the CRPO Exam!
Ideas for help:
Study groups
Talking to your therapist to help with anxiety or executive functioning tools and resources
Hypnotherapy to work on your subconscious thoughts about exams and passing
Take a CRPO Exam Prep Course (not just ours!)
Talking to those who have passed to hear their experiences, good knowledge based sharing only please!
CRPO Exam Tip 3
Make selections based on where you're at not what you picked
Now, this is a confusing one! Here's the thought process we hear (and even did ourselves), about the exam: Oh darn, I made selections in that last section and now I know it's wrong. What do I do now? Do I keep on that path since I started it, do I change course here or do I try to fix it by selecting everything! As we know and can see in the ​CRPO Exam resource manual, when a section in the simulation asks about a specific time frame, you select your answers according to that time frame. Now, that doesn't mean there won't be less right answers but it does allow you to put the other sections behind you and answer fresh in each section of the simulation. When selecting, if there are similar answers, keep it client-centered and for where you're at now in that simulation.
CRPO Exam Tip 4
Keep it Client Centred
We all know the importance of being client centred and meeting the client where they are at. This is still true when writing the CRPO Exam. The exam answers are weighted from +3 to -3, there's even a 0. A +3 is of central importance to good client care. Not taking this action would result in serious damage to the client. A -3 is gravely damaging to client care and costly to their welfare.
So what's a 0? We're happy you asked! A 0 does not contribute to client care but it also does not harm the client either.
CRPO Exam Tip 5
Check in with MonitorEdu
As of 2023 the CRPO Exam is being remotely proctored. That allows you to write from the comfort of your home but, there are a few things to keep in mind. At least 5 days prior to the exam you will have to check in with This is where you'll check things like your operating system (iOS), your browser compatibility and your internet strength. This is something you HAVE to do to write the exam.
On the day of the exam you'll need your UIN, Unique Identifying Number, this is sent to you after you've registered and paid for the exam. This number will being with a "T"
If you're unsure of the remote proctoring process or with the "technology" side of things, you can reach out to MonitorEDU via their live chat. You can click here for that link.