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CRPO CBA Prep Course

We're both very excited to be able to offer this course to you. We've teamed up with Liane Wood, of Build Your Private Practice to bring you what we feel is the best course out there for preparing for the CBA! Our hope is you finish leaving prepared, ready and empowered to pass. The 2024 Spring CBA Dates are: April 26th - May 05 2024.

Day 1: Sunday April 21st - 10am-4:30pm

Day 2: Thursday April 25th - 5-8:30pm 
Where: Via Zoom! 
Fee: $249+HST = $281.37

Online Conference

CBA Course - Day 1 Morning

In a collaborative group environment with your peers we'll take a deep dive into the newest and CRPO Professional Practice Standards and answer your questions to provide the clarity you deserve. 


We do a break out session in smaller groups going over a carefully curated CBA question that has been created to help you know and understand the logic behind the CBA and how and the choices are ranked as they are. 

CBA Course - Day 1 Afternoon

With a solid foundation of the practice standards from the morning, we move onto the CBA itself and working through the questions provided CRPO, why the answers are chosen per CRPO standards and importance. 

Virtual Team Meeting
Colleagues Working Together

CBA Course - Day 2 Evening

Now that you've had a few days to think things through and process the learning, this is your time to really get into the nitty gritty of it all. Bring your questions, concerns and insights. We'll finish the CBA Questions and then check in. You'll also be provided the list of resources you need for CBA success and how to prep and be ready on the day you write. 

Ready to sign up? 

Here are your CBA Course Details

Day 1: Sunday April 21st - 10am-4:30pm

Day 2: Thursday April 25th - 5-8:30pm 
Where: Via Zoom! 
Fee: $249+HST = $281.37

Not quite ready? Send us an email! 

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